Clement “Monarch” Ogarro

Clement “Monarch” Ogarro


Clement “Monarch” Ogarro is a student of communication, calypso, and entrepreneurship. From 2013 to 2016, he managed the National Broadcasting Corporation, ZIZ. In addition, Mr. Ogarro has served in Corporate Communications for the International Cricket Council (ICC) during several world cricket tournaments.

He has also worked in the Call Center and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in the United States, the Philippines, and Argentina for Communications companies such as MCI, Verizon, and AT&T.

Mr. Ogarro is a celebrated figure in the carnival community, known for his remarkable four (4) victories in the Junior Calypso competition and multiple selections as a finalist in the Senior Calypso competition. In addition to his success in calypso, he has a rich history as a J’ouvert and Parade Day masquerader.

His passion for the carnival arts also extends beyond performance as he also played pivotal roles as an organizer, judge, commentator, and host. His visionary leadership became evident during his tenure as Chairman of National Carnival in 2010. During this time, he spearheaded the rebranding of St Kitts-Nevis National Carnival to Sugar Mas, injecting new life and vibrant energy into the festivities.

Equipped with a bachelor’s degree in communications, he has a solid foundation in effectively conveying messages and promoting events.  Mr Ogarro currently serves as the Director of Carnival.

All sessions by Clement “Monarch” Ogarro

The Diaspora and Our Culture

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am
St. Kitts Marriott Resort
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